Who We Are

In today's complex and dynamic environment, you need smart, nimble security solutions that move at the speed of your business.

Aventel offers concierge-level service and agile digital technologies, tailored to seamlessly support the unique security needs of every client and situation.

Decades of specialized security knowledge and experience.

aventel TEAM
Stefan Nedkoff
CEO and Founder
With over 25 years of experience in security and risk-related fields, Stefan has provided strategic and operational risk solutions in more than 50 countries across all major industries.
Alfredo Phoenix
Advisor - USA
Alfredo has a 34+ year career in security and law enforcement, including senior positions in the US Department of Justice and Interpol, conducting high-level training & capacity building across various regions including the USA, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Gavin Riley
Regional Director African Operations
Gavin possesses 30+ years of ongoing experience as a Core Commander of security operations where he ensures the safety of VIPs, world leaders, and corporate leaders.
Ruan De Beer
Digital Engineering & Analytics
Ruan is a 30 year data analytics & software development veteran, having worked with governmental and commercial organizations spanning the USA, Africa, and Europe. He has developed Aventel’s Fusion Center suite of software tools.
Lucy Theron
Global Administration & Operations
Lucy has 20+ years of experience in operations, project administration, and workforce optimization across Africa, Europe, & the USA with a background in Project Management, Labor Recruitment, Human Resource Management, and Business Management.

Security Council

Our global network of experienced security professionals and subject matter experts are an integral part of our team, offering on-the-ground security and intelligence services in the most complex areas of the world. Unpredictability is built in to our approach, so we expect the unexpected and can flex to your needs with vetted professionals, at your service 24/7.

Combined Years of Experience
Countries Worldwide